SSL is Not Just a Compliance Necessity- Don’t End-Up Buying Any SSL Certificate | Server Security

There was a time when SSL was not a necessity for all websites; only websites that were selling something or collecting credit card information were required to buy SSL certificates. Today, that is not the case. SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a critical standard of application and data security, even for static websites and simple blog pages. However, many businesses and even IT experts consider SSL to be a compliance necessity and end up buying any certificate based solely on the pricing aspects.

We understand it can be challenging to find the right kind of SSL certificate and we are here to help. Read on to know more.

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SSL: Understanding its Criticality Beyond Compliance

A Landmark for Data Security

The internet is a place for all sorts of nefarious activities. Cybercriminals and attackers are constantly on the lookout for opportunities to gain access to invaluable data and digital assets of businesses. SSL harnesses the power of cryptography and keys to secure connections between the server and browser while protecting the data in transmission. Without the Secure Socket Layer, the data in transit will be accessible to the public, and attackers will not let such an opportunity slip.

Whether you run a simple or dynamic website, use a mailer service, or any other internet-facing services, buying an SSL certificate is indispensable.

Affects Search Engine Rankings

One question that often gets asked is, ‘We have a simple/static website. We do not collect any sensitive information or engage in e-commerce. Why should we bother with an SSL Certificate?’

Yes. Website security is a critical component in SEO rankings. Google pushes up websites with the highest security ratings to higher SEO rankings. Sites with poor security ratings rank lower and have the possibility to get omitted entirely.

So, even if you collect basic customer information or have a comment section/form on your website, you must be SSL compliant.

Helps Enhance Customer Trust

Websites, however simple or static, are important digital properties for businesses. They bring in leads and serve as an important point of connection between the brand and the customers/target audiences. If you have poor search engine rankings, the reach of your website will be severely affected.

Given this scenario, Google Chrome and other browser automatically displays a warning when a website does not have an HTTPS prefix in the address bar. The user will be warned that the connection is not secure and if they want to continue. If it happens, the clients will be more likely to switch to a secure competitor’s website.

How to Buy SSL Certificates?

1. Understand Your Needs Before Buying

The first step in SSL Purchase is to understand your unique requirements, challenges, and security gaps. These insights will enable you to choose the right certificate and ensure heightened security of your website and digital assets.

2. Know the Types of Certificate Before an SSL Purchase

All SSL certificates are not equal. The type of certificates required varies from website to website. To this end, you must know what kinds of certificates exist and which ones will suit your purpose. Do your research well before jumping on deciding your SSL Certificate.

For instance, single-domain SSL certificates are sufficient for smaller businesses and blogs that need to cover a single domain only. Multi-domain SSL certificates are useful when you want to manage multiple domains with a single certificate.

You should also consider the warranty included with your certificate before buying it.

3. Choose the Level of Validation Required for your Site

Before issuing a certificate, the Certificate Authority (CA) validates the recipient from the security point of view. This is to ensure that only legitimate owners and organizations are buying the SSL certificate. So, the CA will verify proof and documents to this end.

Based on the validation process, three types of certificates exist:

  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL Certificate: A basic SSL type where only the domain ownership is verified by the CA. It is suitable for websites that do not collect sensitive information. For instance, static websites, blogs, etc.
  • Organization Validation (OV) SSL Certificate: This certificate validates and authenticates the business and requester requesting the certificate, alongside domain verification.
  • Extended Validation SSL (EV) Certificate: EV certificates provide the highest level of authentication It involves the highest degree of business authentication and establishes credibility and trust. It is best suited for e-commerce and other dynamic websites.

4. Choose a Trusted SSL Certificate Provider

There are hundreds of SSL Certificate Providers in the market. But choosing any service provider can be detrimental to security and business continuity itself. You must choose a trustworthy SSL Certificate Provider with a solid reputation such as Entrust by Indusface. The Certificate Authority (CA) must be equipped with a solid infrastructure to avoid failures. They must invest in research and development to keep finding next-gen approaches in data encryption, thereby, enabling you to stay ahead of the attackers.

Choose a CA that provides additional security features, beyond just SSL. You must also consider the level of support extended in installation, maintenance, and management of certificates.


Simply buying the SSL certificate based on its pricing is counterproductive and making a haphazard SSL purchase. You need to do your due diligence and choose the best SSL certificate for your website.

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*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Indusface authored by Ritika Singh. Read the original post at:

SSL is Not Just a Compliance Necessity- Don’t End-Up Buying Any SSL Certificate

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